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The Feywild, also known as the Plane of Faerie, was a lush plane of existence coterminous with the Material Plane and infused with magic. It emerged as a result of balancing the creation of Echelon with the four Elemental Planes.

Characteristics of the Feywild

The plane was characterized by a pervasive twilight and an oversaturation of color. There were no seasons or weather in the Feywild, though wind and a general warmth were commonplace. The sun and other stellar bodies were not present in the sky of the Feywild; as a plane separate from the Material, it did not have a cosmos and was limited to the "echo" of the planet Echelon.

Magic was particularly potent all over the Feywild, with no variation in strength as on the Material Plane. The Feywild was seen as particularly beautiful and enchanting to most denizens of the Material Plane.

The Feywild was coterminous with the Material Plane; meaning, its geography was an "echo" of the Material. Unlike the other Inner Planes, both the Feywild and the Shadowfell mirrored the Material Plane's topography, continental drift, and ley lines.

The Feywild was vibrant and exotically beautiful, but also very dangerous, especially to the unwary traveler- or the hapless individual abducted by the many denizens of the plane.


The Feywild was home to many creatures. Seelie fey were followers of Titania, the Summer Queen, and included eladrin, sprites, faerie dragons, faeries, pixies, and dryads. Unseelie fey were followers of the Queen of Air and Darkness, and included fomorians, redcaps, meenlocks, and hags.

The goddess Avandra also placed an exarch on the plane, Altaya, to protect her from the effects of the Melding. Altaya was granted special power and privilege in the Feywild, and though she could never return to the Material Plane, she often assisted lost travelers in exchange for stories from her former home. Altaya was often at odds with the Queen of Air and Darkness, and even Titania on rare occasions. However, the relationships between the exarch and the archfey were almost never openly aggressive.