Bahge's Horde

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Bahge's Horde was the name of a hobgoblin army which operated near the Brackish Mountains in the 4th century ME. Led by a cunning leader, Bahge, the horde enjoyed successes in raiding settlements and caravans in and around the Kingsbridge Pass.

In 310 ME, Bahge set his sights on the biggest prize in the Elsir Vale at the time-- Kodonholm, city-state and potential trove of wealth. His 150-plus hobgoblins marched to raid Kodonholm in late Winter, hoping to catch the city off-guard.

The horde was completely destroyed when they suffered an attack from the rear by 40 Velgassi knights, led by Odiss Pennant I, south of Oxwood. The event galvanized Kodonholm and Camp Pennant, and the defense of Kodonholm by Pennant was thought to be a major contributing factor in the foundation of the Pennant Regency.