Chainsailor Chronicles (campaign)

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A three-part epic, the Chainsailor Chronicles was the first campaign to have characters begin at level 1 and end at the maximum level of 20.

First Season

The first season of the Chainsailor Chronicles involved Kelsee Herrick as Zinrora Tyrros, Danielle McBrayer as Saint, Maddie Lesage as Valyn, and Kreg Lesage as Grygg Steelbringer. The story began with a mutiny on the caravel Peregrine and ended with the return of the party's ship, Mimic's Heart, to the port of Megea.

The season was forced to end amicably when Maddie and Kreg moved out of town.

Second Season

The second season saw Kelsee and Danielle return as Zin and Saint, with the addition of the Kinnears as Undine and Haxifal. Jon Kinnear would eventually lose Haxifal to a trap, forcing a player character change. Jacques Johann Johnson was added to the party for the final battle: a showdown with the kraken Seaeater.

Third Season

At the request of the party, a third "season" of the campaign was renewed a few months after the end of the second. Haxifal made his return, with his resurrection playing a key part in the story. At the end of many adventures together, Zin, Saint, Hax, and Undine destroyed Seaeater, ended the Meloran Crisis, and began a new age of Echelon.