Crown Alliance

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The Crown Alliance was a loose organization of city-states in the Stardragon Sea. It was founded in 2298 of the Light Age, and rendered defunct by the rise of the kraken Seaeater in 2348.


At its height, the Crown Alliance controlled 6 official member states, with several smaller holdings and hamlets as unofficial protectorates.

Notable Members


Although each member state held its own executive powers, each were subject to legislation passed in the unicameral Alliance Assembly. The Alliance government enforced a heavy tariff on non-Alliance ships in its ports, unless a ship carried a letter of marque and reprisal or tax-free writ. Writs were considered precious by the sailors of the Stardragon Sea, as the tariff could rise to the tune of 20%.

After the fall of the Crown Alliance, letters of marque from the organization, though impotent, became rare collectors' items.