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Cuahatemoc (2341 LA-31 UE) was a tabaxi sailor, hero, and queen, and was known as the "Last Empress of the Tabaxi". She made a name for herself on the ship Stardragon's Ruby during the Light Age, she became famous with her contributions in the struggle against Seaeater, and she was immortalized as queen and Empress of Zatal during the Epoch of Undine.

Cuahatemoc was born in Silvera in 2341 of the Light Age, and passed away some 47 years later in the Epoch of Undine. Cuahatemoc's 47 years made her among one of the oldest tabaxi to have ever lived.

Metagame Trivia

Cuahatemoc was named after Cuauhtémoc, the real-life Aztec ruler.