Jaguar Gate

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The Jaguar Gate was a massive planar doorway on the continent of Zatal. It was the largest teleportation gate in existence, and the focal point of the tabaxi city of Calcoatl.


The Jaguar Gate was different from most tabaxi constructions in that it was a perfect square, rather than a more organic and free-flowing shape. The Gate measured 215 feet in total height and width, though some of the base was buried under other constructions. The picture frame-like design made for a useable central space measuring 169 feet in diameter.

Construction and Materials

The Jaguar Gate appeared to be made entirely out of stone, with carvings and bas reliefs engraved in the tabaxi style all along its surfaces. It was held together by a mysterious power, and could not be moved or damaged in any way. It was not known how the early tabaxi managed to engrave the surfaces, as any attempts to mar or chip the gate proved impossible after its construction. Even dust and paint would not stick to its surfaces, leading some to theorize that the Jaguar Gate was slightly out of phase with the Material Plane.