Nine Hells

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The Nine Hells, sometimes shortened to Hells or Hell, were among the Outer Planes of existence, and home to devils and the nefarious Prime Evil. They were occasionally called the Lower Planes by some scholars. The only way to travel to and from the Nine Hells was via the River Styx.

Layers of the Nine Hells

The Hells were said to be stacked, like a cake, with each layer directly connected to the ones above and below it. The layers were, in order from top to bottom:

  1. Avernus, fiery entry point into the Nine Hells
  2. Dis, the Black City
  3. Acheron, with its infinite battlefields of slaughter
  4. Carceri, the frozen wastes
  5. Baator, the desolate, blood-soaked ruins
  6. Minauros, characterized by noxious swamps and cruel beasts
  7. Pandemonium, with its endless tunnels of madness
  8. Hades, a realm of ennui and despair
  9. Gehenna, the incomprehensible Broken World of evil and darkness