Red Order

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The Red Order was an organization of paladin knights formed by Quivan the Red during the Dawn War. The Red Knights, or Avengers, were seen as the ultimate crusaders. Their purpose was to mete out justice for grievous, unforgivable sins. The Red Order served as the last defense for the good people of the world; after all avenues were attempted, an Avenger could be called upon to deliver unyielding divine punishment.

"When the patience of good is exhausted, then the Red will smite." -Quivan the Red

Tenets of the Red Order

Tenets of an Avenger followed similar patterns, revolving around the punishment of wrongdoers by any means necessary. They were brutally focused in their pursuit of justice. The core principles of a Red Order paladin were:

  1. No Mercy for the Wicked; ordinary foes may win mercy, but sworn enemies of good will not.
  2. Focus on the Greater Evil; any qualms about exterminating evil must be set aside.
  3. Restitution; if evil wreaks ruin, it is the duty of the Red Order to help those harmed by their misdeeds.