Sehanine Moonbow

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Sehanine Moonbow was an Imminent Celestial goddess of great power and influence. Together with her husband Corellon Larethian, they were the heads of the Seldarine pantheon. They created the first elves after the Dawn War began around 5500 BME. She was informally called the Dreamweaver, the Moonlit Lady, and Goddess of the Night Sky.

Sehanine was also known as "Sauph" by the tabaxi.


Sehanine evaded attempts at description and definition, and was a frustratingly difficult topic of research. She reveled in mystery, love, and visions, and did not always make her intentions clear. The duality of her nature was a subject of confusion among the scholarly circles of the world. Sehanine simultaneously delighted in harmonious truth, and yet was often known to protect secret pacts. Notably, Sehanine had an apparent soft spot for estranged lovers.

Dogma and Followers

Sehanine was said to protect against madness and lycanthropy, and healers invoked her name when treating those conditions. She was also a fierce enemy of the undead and, like her solar counterpart Pelor, sought to banish undeath with light.

Her commands were specific to certain situations. More so than any other god, Sehanine was unpredictable. It was generally understood that she promoted beauty and love, and would do much for anyone seeking those things. Crescents of stones bathed in moonlight served as Sehanine's altars where one might meet with guidance from the goddess. However, it was never clear what her grand visions for the world were.

Regardless of her greater motivations, Sehanine did command respect from her followers. The Sehanine clergy was almost exclusively elven, although humans and halflings occasionally took up her cause as well. Whereas clerics of Pelor were seen healing the body, Sehanine's clerics focused on the mind. Her followers were adept illusionists and staunch adversaries of curses such as lycanthropy.