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Ioun-- sometimes called the Weaver, the Prophetess, or Isis-- was the goddess of prophecy and knowledge.


So Ioun, knowing her prophecy was in the soon after and seeing no other way, sent magic to the whole of Echelon. And the whole of Echelon was continually warring— human against dragonborn, elf against orc, dwarf against giant, and all against all. - "Mythos", ch. 8, v. 18-22

Ioun was the one to give the First Races the gift of magic, although begrudgingly and not without warning to the other gods and to mortals alike. The stoic caretakers of magic, the zarum, were first allowed to use magic, but their betrayal sparked the Dawn War. As punishment, the zarum-- who eventually evolved into the githzerai and githyanki-- were stripped of their connection to the Weave of magic.

Dogma and Followers

Tacticians and sages revered her as “The-One-Who-Brings-To-Light”, and most of the world’s libraries were constructed in her honor. Any who pursued academia were familiar with Ioun; though she never spoke directly to mortals, her guidance was sought when searching for lore.

Her holy symbol of an opened eye could be seen everywhere in arcane literature—so much so, that the two were rarely seen apart. A cleric of Ioun usually worked closely with those of scholarly or magical pursuits, sometimes acting as protectors of grand libraries or sites of arcane power.

Significant Prophecies

Ioun made mention of several prophetic visions to her followers:

  • The Champion Prophecy, which said that a "son of Sun" would rise to defeat Zijil the Prime in the Blue Timeline
  • The prophecy of The Determined, a declaration that Vecna would bypass the gods' seal and take over Echelon "unless those who are Determined" stopped him
  • A prediction that giving magic to mortals would result in extreme danger to the fabric of time and space
  • The Last Forecast, an obscure reference to the kraken Seaeater's destruction of the planet via the disruption of the element of water


Viewed through the lenses of text, Ioun was usually perceived to be cold and even standoffish to the other gods. As a goddess who calculated innumerable outcomes, she was as frank as mathematics. However, there were references to her sorrow at allowing magic to enter the Material Plane, as well as her agony over predicting the death of Melora.

Even when acknowledging the inevitability of Vecna forcing the Ultima War in the future, she adamantly refused to give magic directly to the Races, deferring the responsibility to Corellon Larethian instead. For this reason, some wizards and many druids refused to use magic as a weapon, believing it to be a violation of Ioun's original intent for the gift.