Middle Era

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The Middle Era (also known as the Modern Era by the denizens of that time) was a period in Echelon's history during the Aeon. It began with the signing of the Juriatas Accord and the adoption of the According Calendar System, and ended with the defeat of Vecna in the Ultima War 855 years later.


The According Calendar System labelled years in the Middle Era as ME. Sometimes, small capitals or periods were used (ME or M.E.).

Name Change

With the arrival of the prophetic Dark Age, the Doctantians felt it necessary to rename the previous era. Sensing the old days were no longer "modern", the nomenclature was changed to Middle Era in 52 DA in the According Calendar System. This de facto acceptance of the "M" as Middle, rather than Modern, allowed for the Common language notation to remain the same for historical clarity's sake.

Significant Events

Approximately 835 ME to 855 ME