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Seaeater was the Common name of an ancient titan defeated by the gods in the First War. A primeval kraken of immense size and power, Seaeater was prophesied to destroy the planet by, as its namesake implied, deconstructing the element of water.

First War Myth

Only scraps of lore and legend about Seaeater's role in the First War survived to mortal times. Although it was not known if Seaeater ever posed a direct threat to the gods, it was believed to have slain a hundred of Bahamut's dragons during the conflict. Perhaps sensing an opportunity as the multiverse began to separate into distinct planes, Seaeater hid during the war in the Elemental Plane of Water. Only cursory mentions of an ancient kraken titan persisted, until the goddess of prophecy, Ioun, revealed the Last Forecast to her followers sometime during the Ancient World.

Slumbering in Echelon

The kraken, likely via a portal or as an unconscious manifestation of its will, somehow found its way into the Material Plane. It slept for thousands of years near an archipelago in the northern hemisphere, unknown to the mortals of Echelon. Whether Seaeater slumbered of its own accord, biding its time until the right moment, or was compelled in some way not to awaken, mortals never knew.

Seaeater is Awakened

In 2348 of the Light Age, an arrogant dragon called Ia'atrix the Black fulfilled her plans to release the slumbering kraken. Her hope was to use a cage of adamantine chains and a powerful artifact from the fallen Thaedran Imperium to capture and control Seaeater. However, when Ia'atrix awoke the kraken, it managed to break free of the chains, overcome the artifact's power, and tear the dragon in half. Seaeater had been released.

The ancient titan's ferocity was swift. In a matter of weeks, Seaeater had leveled the magnificent city of Aquidium, sunk two fleets from the nations of Frostholme and the Crescent Empire, and smashed the Prism Reef to pieces. With the kraken on the warpath, the people of the Stardragon Sea began to fear the worst; that the end was nigh, and the fulfillment of Ioun's Last Forecast was at hand. With the gods barred from interfering in the Material Plane by the Sealing, stopping the legendary Seaeater seemed impossible.

The Battle of the Seaeater

Hope was not lost.